Franchise Application

Please complete the Franchise Application Form below to help us evaluate and select candidates best suited to the Filta opportunity.

US Franchise Application

This questionnaire is intended to help The Filta Group evaluate and select candidates best suited to the Filta opportunity.

Filta’s growth in many countries has been built on selecting wherever possible franchisees whose personal experience, attitude and character meet with our knowledge of what it takes to be successful.

Section One - Type your response

If possible, try to complete the questionnaire in quiet surroundings where you are less likely to be interrupted. Answer the questions honestly and not by giving the answers you think we may want to see.

Section Two - Multiple Choice

Please select either (a), (b) or (c)

Personal Financial Statement - Strictly Confidential

I/we understand that The Filta Group Inc. will rely on the information provided herein in deciding to grant a Filta franchise. I/we represent and warrant that the information provided is true and complete and that The Filta Group Inc may consider this information to be true. I/we authorize The Filta Group Inc to make all inquiries deemed necessary to verify the accuracy of the statements made herein, and to determine my/our financial condition and suitability for a Filta franchise. I/we authorize the release to The Filta Group Inc, upon presentation of this document or a copy thereof, of any information concerning my/our financial and/or credit history.



Signed & Dated

Contact us today for a free, no obligation, Site Evaluation of Filta’s ECO-friendly services

1-866-51-Filta (34582)

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